Most medical practices experience “price creep” overtime. It is inherent in the industry. PDx creates savings opportunity by aligning manufacturers, vendors, contracts and pricing to create a new purchasing delta, which is then managed by a team of industry experts.
Purchasing behaviors are often a challenge to monitor and manage. Through product formulation, contract negotiation and ordering controls, PDx customers have full transparency to their purchases and the necessary tools to achieve compliance.
The PDx ordering platform captures and reports changes in pricing in real time. Our team receives a daily gap analysis on YOUR purchasing. It is the work of OUR team for YOUR practice that ensures True and Sustainable Savings.
On average, it costs at least $50 to process an order. Imagine what happens to that number when your AP team has to chase orders, packing slips and invoices to make sure that you don’t overpay – or under pay –for an order. PDx provides a true 3-way match function that takes the guess work out of the process.